Spiritual Synergy and Vibrations

I had called my sister the night before at her residence and left a voicemail message.  The next day while I had begun a totally different minor task, I felt moved to call her again on her cell phone at that very moment. I reached her on the phone, she was out of town.

The reason I was trying to reach her is that our nephew was with me who had just arrived yesterday from his current residence in Japan. I thought she could stop by to see him if she could.  Toward the end of our 3-person speaker- telephone- conversation call with our nephew, she described an experience.  She said that while she was in shopping in a store during our telephone conversation,  suddenly a woman called out the name Carolyn (my name) not just once, 3 times…..and at the same time my telephone call to her was happening and we connected.

Vibrations are real and true manifestations of the spiritual power in the universe.  It was a divine moment indeed.  Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and goodwill toward one another.


The Universe

The universe is an all encompassing term that includes the entire solar system, the catalyst of the Universe (Pg. 44 in Treasures from the Center – the Ancient Cure for Negative Thinking) and beyond.  Yet we can have an experience that is described as “the universe rose up to meet me”.  It is like the finite carrying the power of the infinite, some may call this spiritual alignment for that moment in time.  That which is Universal represents the common ground of the human spirit.   One of my favorite quotes expands the idea.  Music is one of the most common representations of that which is universal.

“Music gives soul to the Universe, wings to the mind,

flight to the imagination,

and life to everything. – Plato”

I can describe one of my “universe rose up to meet me” moments.  When deciding on the cover for my book, not only did I find the perfect treasure chest, but a treasure chest that had medallions spilling out of it…medallions that represent the Center Mandala Medallion that I created years earlier. 

The Changing Meaning of Words- “Koolaid”

It’s summertime now and one might think about childhood memories when as children we had no cares or responsibilities and then there was Kool Aid, that refreshing beverage that involved ice cubes made of kool aid, popsicles and just plain Kool aid with a variety of fun flavors and colors.  It was fun and positive.

Well, now we don’t necessarily want to “drink the Kool aid of”, greed, narcissism, keeping up with the Joneses ( and the Joneses are broke now following the financial crisis) political interests, certain religious beliefs, violence, social media addictions….being caught up with the number of likes vs. true eye to eye contact and relationships and list goes on.  Someone went so far as to say it should be called “anti-social media”.  Anyway that fun word Kool Aid which used to be synonymous with fun has been hijacked into something that is not positive.  Drinking the “Kool aid” might be something like drinking poison or something that is going to effect your mind in a negative way.