The Global Shift#4

The Global Shift in consciousness continues to unfold…………the shift away from a consciousness of individual greed & profit motive about everything; to a heart- centered “we” motive for doing things.

The Constitution, Declaration of Independence were formed from the heart. Now respect for these institutions are being challenged by the negativity spoken by D. Trump and his followers. Americans are being challenged to vote their conscious and stand up for what they believe in vs. their party affiliation. Character is a long overdue conversation for American politics. It is at the center of all conversations involving human rights. Character comes from the heart. When you are dealing with the heart, you are dealing with the soul as well.

I don’t think there are many schools if any that specialize in developing character. It has been relegated to parents raising their children and religion to help develop this aspect of the human condition. Self-help books help fill in some of the blanks, but in the end it is on the individual to build, develop, practice, expand and grow their character, learn how to stand your ground for what you believe in. Members of the Republican Party are facing the test now…their character, their foundation, respect for the USA and all of those that came before us or continuing to support Donald Trump.
I am hopeful good character will help continue to win over greed, evil, and negativity going on in America. It is not just the election and terrorism, there are many other issues in America and around the globe, that mark a departure away from good character. Good character leads to good behavior and respect for one another. As more and more people stand up for positive motives, it will help drawn out the negative motives.


“When we worry, we project negative circumstances into the universal mind.  This mind, according to Ernest Holmes, “takes the direct impress of our thoughts and acts upon it.”  (Science of Mind Magazine- Daily Guide for July 11, 2016 –Written by Rev. Judy Morley, Ph.D. – “Don’t Worry” , Pg. 50)

This teaching is expressed in other ways, like:

  • You become what you think about
  • As a man thinketh, so is he
  • So within, so without
  • If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always got.
  • The power of positive thinking
  • Definition of insanity:  doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Deja vu is another universal mind aspect, the feeling that you have had the experience before.  You know your mind is connecting with something on the unconscious level, something from the universe and you might remember it, maybe not.  Who knows, maybe it is related to a dream we had at one time or another.  Dreams come true sometimes.

You can probably think of other related expressions as well, it just adds more clarity to the concept of Universal Mind and the part it plays in a spiritual foundation.  It is understood these ideas intersect and overlap Universal Law.

Projecting negative circumstances into our lives creates stress.  You can turn to the list of options to help neutralize and decrease negative thoughts on pages 21 and 22 ”Treasures from the Center” – The Ancient Cure for Negative Thinking.

Universal Faith

Faith is the common denominator for the numerator of our lives. The common denominator can be considered the inner self and the numerator is everything else in life that we encounter outside ourselves. Generally faith can fall into two categories; faith in a higher power, faith in one self and what you believe in. Faith is universal in that it works the same for everyone, no matter where you are on the planet.

Many things have been said about faith. Sometimes other words are used in place of the word faith, for instance; belief, prayer, motivation, trust, confidence, courage.

Popular references to faith include:

  • Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrew 11:1)
  • Blind faith
  • “If you have the faith as a grain of mustard seed, [ye shall say unto the mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove, and] nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Jesus)
  • Walk by faith, not sight
  • There is power in the Universe that honors our faith in it” (Ernest Holmes)
  • Faith is an affirmative mental approach to reality.

The universality of certain faith based beliefs like the Golden Rule (“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”) help make the world go around.  Common to all definitions and references is that faith is also the reason we do anything……wake up I the morning and go about your regular activities.

Faith centers us, grounds us. There are countless stories of positive results engineered by unwavering faith.  In many cases where someone might say that say they had faith in something and it did not work out; might want to look a bit deeper inside to see where their faith was compromised or when it wavered.

The words Universal Faith inscribed on the Center Mandala represent a helpful reminder about faith consciousness as we go about our day.